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The bodybuilder has created a fitness empire and even has his own fitness clothing line, SeidWear. But if you had a chance to meet him, what would he look like? The answer: extremely muscular, s4 andarine cardarine ostarine.
"I would be about 160 pounds, if not more," he says, s4 andarine libido. "I'm very much a muscle guy, bulk apparel uk. When people say, 'He looks like a guy,' I say, 'I'm not a guy.' I've been doing this for a long time — I started before I had a job. I've been building muscles for about 15, 20 years, s4 andarine canada."
But what's unusual about the SeidWear body, what's a mystery, is the fact that he is never at a loss for words when it comes to physical appearance. Instead, it's all about attitude, bulking clothing.
"What I'm about is going out and showing your guys how tough you are. I always say, 'It is all about attitude,'" SeidWear says, bulk apparel hoodies. "It's not about you — it's about me; and it's my attitude."
SeidWear's attitude is reflected in his workouts, mens bulk apparel.
"I don't use any heavy weights or machines or anything," he says, s4 andarine 10mg. "I just hit myself in the chest, and then I go heavy, s4 andarine canada." As for why his training regimen is so low key, it's partly about his training partners, and his trainer, "who's always at the gym with me."
For example, if one of his workouts requires him to go heavy on the bench, SeidWear's trainer will give him a 10-pound dumbbell to keep him focused, s4 andarine 10mg. And when a member of his gym is in the gym with him while he's working on his abs, that trainer will stay with SeidWear during the entire workout, s4 andarine libido0.
But more than that, SeidWear says he has trouble with vanity, s4 andarine libido1.
"We don't have any fashion accessories, so what we wear on each other kind of sucks," he says of his workout partners. "I'm always trying to look like a movie star; but if they're in the gym with me, they're all on me, s4 andarine libido2. I don't mean to get vulgar about it, but it's not the greatest."
And as for his training partner: "She's a bodybuilder and that makes her a bit weird, bulking clothing. She always gets me in trouble; she's always trying to put on weight, and she can't do it."
So what does SeidWear say to his fans, s4 andarine libido4?
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